Do you want to reflect, learn about and transform your professional work?
Is the way you work impacting on your own or others’ well-being? Professional Supervision is especially beneficial to medical professionals struggling to discuss their professional work and how they feel about their work with anyone. If you feel you need to explore beyond what you are accustomed to, Professional Supervision can assist in helping you to transform your practice.

Professional work can be at times seemingly paradoxical, both full of privilege and also perplexing.
“I am sorry to have to break
this news but when I go home
I have to look in books.
I try hard to remember
the pathways of arteries,
…If this is a cause of concern
to you please do not try to
hang me on a cross.
Contrary to popular opinion
I cannot raise the dead.”
Glenn Colquhoun; ” Playing God”, Steele Roberts Ltd, (2002)
Used with kind permission
About Greg Dunn
Dr Dunn worked in rural General Practice in Matamata for 30 years. With an interest in teaching and mentoring over 20 years, Greg is offering professional supervision in 2022.
Professional Supervision
Professional Supervision can assist in helping you transform your practice. A practitioner brings their professional work, with its experiences and challenges, to supervision.
Get in Touch
Contact Greg Dunn for more details on Professional Supervision or any related enquiries. Based in Matamata, online meetings are also available via zoom for your convenience.