Professional Supervision

About professional supervision and how it can benefit you as a medical practitioner.

Personalised Professional Supervision

Professional Supervision is a formalized and structured process whereby a practitioner brings their professional work, with its experiences and challenges, to supervision and with reflection and learning about these experiences the practitioner can transform their practice.

The Supervisor facilitates the practitioner’s experience and through combined exploration of the experiences and stories the practitioner will notice what is informing and influencing the stories.

It is mandated as a requirement in some professions however it is not in Medicine.
The goal is to support you in your work, to support your wellbeing, prevent or address compassion fatigue or burnout, and refine the effectiveness of your work.

Supervision is not counselling, therapy or a place to seek advice on patient management. Supervision however may uncover underlying issues which a practitioner recognises as influencing the above.

Dr Greg Dunn

I am registered with the Medical Council of New Zealand and am a member of the Medical Protection Society. I am not subject to any investigation, or a subject of any complaint, to or by, the Medical Council or the Office of the Health and Disability Commissioner.

Professional Guidelines, Responsibilities, Confidentiality and Complaints

Guidelines: HDC Code of Rights
Medical Council of New Zealand professional Standards

Responsibilities: As a professional supervisor, I have a responsibility for your professional development, but not your day to day clinical decisions. I am bound by the standards that regulate medical practice.

Confidentiality: Issues discussed within supervision will be confidential. I will not share anything I have not discussed with you first, except in an emergency situation (highly unlikely). If I have concerns about unsafe practice or a breach of professional standards, I will raise these with you in the first instance. Confidentiality will only be broken, if, after discussion, you are unable to resolve the situation.
As part of supervision I will participate in my own supervision. Anonymity will be maintained if I need to discuss my experiences as a supervisor with my own supervisor.

Complaints: If you are unhappy or have concerns about the supervision you have received, any questions or comments that you have will be received with gratitude as these will inform and assist my learning and initiate a process towards resolution.
I look forward to working with you.

Contact Greg Dunn

For Personalised Professional Supervision

Learn to explore beyond what you are accustomed to and transform the way you work with professional supervision and mentorship that will allow you to grow.